Who We Are

Who We Are

Cleveland Krist tries complex commercial cases in state and federal courts and arbitration tribunals across the country.

We have an established track record of winning at trial for plaintiffs and defendants in cases where millions of dollars are at stake, and where businesses are on the line.

Our lawyers are honors graduates from some of the best law schools in the country, including the University of Texas, Columbia, Northwestern, and Emory, and have clerked for federal judges at the trial and appellate level.

We have practiced with the best law firms in the country, and bring that level of legal service to our clients, with the focus, efficiency and creativity of a boutique firm.

What We Do
We Make Complex Things Simple

What We Do

As trial lawyers, we are in the practice of making complex things simple. We focus on what matters and what makes a difference in the ultimate outcome of a dispute.

We identify key issues and case themes at the outset of a dispute, and develop and refine them through discovery.

We do not waste time litigating things that do not matter, or pursuing endless discovery that isn’t worth the effort. While our focus is always toward trial, we do not lose sight of opportunities for early resolution when it is in the client’s best interest.

We believe in showing the jury and judge the evidence, weaving those facts into compelling, theme-focused narratives, and empowering the factfinders to reach the right decision on their own.

Our credibility is everything.


Reach Out

We are proud to work in Austin, Texas, and call this city our home.
